Get to know us better

Egatel is a company devoted to the design, development and manufacturing of TV broadcasting and satellite communications equipment for the professional and consumer markets

We also offer consulting, engineering and high added value electronic manufacturing to our customers

TV transmission products include transmitters and transposers of all RF powers for the main Digital Terrestrial TV standards.

In the SatCOM field, the product line focuses on the development of disruptive satellite user terminals for narrowband and broadband applications covering up different markets, such as IoT, maritime, residential, terrestrial mobility, government and defence.

Our history

  • 1992

    Foundation of Egatel. Beginning of its activities in domestic sectors of satellite reception and first steps in professional industry developing analog transposers.
  • 1994

    Establishment of the company in the Technological Park of Galicia.
  • 1995

    First certification for professional broadcasting equipment by Abertis Telecom, spanish main broadcast operator.
  • 1999

    Inaguration of the current headquarters in the Technological Park of Galicia. Beginning of activities in the world of Digital TV in a prominent way as the main provider in Spain of AbertisTelecom.
  • 2002

    90% achivement of the total supplies for the 5 national multiplex in Spain (Quiero TV project), with nearly 750 medium and high power digital transmitters.
  • 2004

    First successes in the international market supplying 10KW analog transmitters.
  • 2005

    OEM agreement with Rohde & Schwarz for the supply of multistandard Gapfillers.
  • 2010

    With the Spanish analogue switch off, the company has supplied during 2 years, for the 5 national multiplex and regional multiplex, more than 800 medium power digital transmitters and more than 3000 low power digital microtransmitters and microtransposers.
  • 2012

    Egatel supply a 14KWrms Digital TV transmitter to the Mexican Market, for the Autonomous University of Nuevo León in Monterrey, it is the Digital TV transmitter with the highest power operating in the country.
  • 2013

    National DTT network deployment in Morocco. (SNRT- Société Nationale de Radiodiffusion et de Télévision).
  • 2015

    National DTT network deployment in: Mexico (TV Azteca), Argentina (INVAP), Algeria (TDA-Télédiffusion D’Algérie), Kenya (KBC- Kenya Broadcasting Corporation).
  • 2016

    Commercial launch of the ‘smart LNB’, product for bidirectional communications via Satellite.
  • 2017

    Installation and commissioning of ISDB-T High Power Liquid Transmitters -WHET Series- in Ushuaia (Argentina).
  • 2018

    Supply, installation and commissioning of 10KW DVB-T2 High Efficiency Liquid transmitters in 2+1 configuration in the cities of Rabat and Casablanca (Morocco). Egatel also supplies, installs and commissions a 7KW ISDB-T High Efficiency Liquid transmitter in a Dual Drive configuration in the emblematic `Edificio España´ in Buenos Aires (Argentina).
  • 2019

    Deployment of the first Doherty `Asymmetric´ Wide Band equipments.
  • 2020

    Supply of DVB-T/T2 High Eficciency Liquid Transmitters -WHET Series- for Torrespaña (Madrid) and Collesora (Barcelona) - main emission centers in Spain.
  • 2021

    Manufacture and supply of the third generation of the IOT First terminal.
  • 2022

    Launch of two New Business Lines: Product Design and Engineering, and EMS - Electronic Manufacturing Services.

Our references

Commitment to sustainability

One of the greatest problems of developed societies is that the maintaining of its growth is strongly linked to unbridled consumption of resources needed to produce energy, which obviously causes a sustainability problem to the medium and long term.

EGATEL’s commitment to sustainable business development begins in the R & D, laying down design policies aimed to achieve energy-efficient equipment, obtaining a higher performance on each new transmitter family.

The development of energy efficient equipment can reduce operating costs by demanding less energy consumption and reduced heat generation inside the equipment, thereby reducing cooling needs.

Another important issue for companies committed to sustainability is the management of dangerous waste generated during the ordinary activities of the company.

The management of dangerous waste is defined by different procedures and regulations approved by national and autonomic governments. The collection of this waste is carried out by Authorized Processing Companies of Dangerous Waste.

EGATEL is also associated to the ECOTIC Foundation. The main aim of the ECOTIC Foundation is the environmental conservation and the sustainable development. For this reason, their main activity is the waste management of electrical and electronic devices produced or put on the market by their associate members.

Within this initiative, without spirit of profit, manufacturers, distributors and persons in charge of the putting on the market of the above mentioned devices and equipments can take part, across their adhesion to the same ones, paying special attention to the fulfilment of the current residues regulation in every moment, as well as the subscription of the public and private agreements necessary for the attainment of their purposes.

AENOR - Quality management

AENOR - Environmental Management

EGATEL - Quality and Environment Policy

EGATEL - Environmental Performance

Equality and Conciliation

EGATEL S.L. has committed to the establishment and development of policies that integrate equal treatment and opportunities between women and men, without directly or indirectly discriminating on the grounds of sex, as well as boosting and promoting measures to achieve real equality within our organization, establishing equal opportunities between women and men as a strategic principle of our Corporate and Human Resources Policy, for effective equality between women and men.

In each and every one of the fields in which the activity of this company takes place, from selection to promotion, through salary policy, training, working and employment conditions, occupational health, time management work and conciliation, co-responsibility, prevention and action against sexual harassment and harassment on the basis of sex, and the non-discriminatory use of language, communication and advertising, we assume the principle of equal opportunities between women and men, paying especial attention to indirect discrimination, understanding that as “the situation in which a seemingly neutral provision, criterion or practice puts a person of one sex at a particular disadvantage with respect to people of the other sex.”

Public Funding and Support

2024 CALL

Public funding and support for the implementation of actions to promote Galician companies abroad (GALICIA EXPORTA EMPRESAS), co-financed by the European Union within the framework of the Galicia FEDER Program 2021-2027 (Resolution of December 19, 2023 (DOG No. 2, of January 3, 2024).

File: IG230.2024.1.201

Holder: EGATEL, SL

IGAPE - Galicia Exporta 2024